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*e.g.: Departure from Zhengzhou - Wuhan (transit) - San Francisco

Departure from San Francisco - Wuhan (transit) - Zhengzhou

1. Applicable flights and conditions:

(1) This service applies to international or regional inbound or outbound flights with China Southern Airlines (Wuhan) as the actual carrier.

(2) This policy doesn’t apply to code-sharing flights or free tickets.

(3) By April 2018, the airline-to-railway transfer has covered 24 cities as follows:

Province City Name 3-Character Code
Hubei Province (Xinyang of Henan province belongs to the Hubei sales area) Enshi ENH/EWV
Shiyan WDS/EJQ
Xiangyang KLJ
Yichang WZE
Shiyan EJJ
Xianning IUO
Jingmen JJL
Qianjiang JQJ
Huangshi HSD
Tianmen TMV
Xiaogan GGX
Xinyang XYW
Henan province Zhengzhou TTZ
Hunan Province Chenzhou LQP
Hengyang HBP
Loudi LLD
Zhuzhou DHU
Changsha DDV
Yueyang YUG
Jiangxi Province Nanchang JJJ
Jiujiang JJJ
Anhui Province Hefei KFI
Lu’an LLQ
Jiangsu Province Nanjing NKJ

2. Service Content and Standards:

1. Where passengers departing from or heading for a designated city are on inbound or outbound CSAIR international or domestic flights at Wuhan hub, they will receive for free a HSR or CRH economy class ticket between Wuhan and the designated city.

2. CSAIR provides free ground shuttle service between the airport and the railway station.

3. For more information on airline-railway products purchase(Wuhan Luojia Aviation Service Co,.Ltd), please call 027-87888888-2(International ticket).

3. Notes:

1. The product is only available in our offline ticket offices or through our authorized international ticket booking agents.

2. Related services are only available when the ticket number contains the information of virtual railway segments upon ticket purchasing.

3. The station of railway segment in the ticket number shall be consistent with the actual issuing station of railway ticket;

4. All that’s left unmentioned is subject to the interpretation of Hubei branch of CSAIR.