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1.1. How to book a hotel online?
Step One: Inquire about hotels

Step Two: Select a hotel

Step Three: Fill in hotel reservation form

Step Four: Submit hotel reservation form
2.2. How can I find a suitable hotel from the China Southern Airlines website?
First select your required destination city name (e.g. "Beijing"), then narrow down the search scope through more search criteria respectively, including hotel name, rate range, hotel rating, type etc. to find your favorite one.
3.3. What is Service Apartment?
The so-called "Service Apartment" refers to the apartment providing hotel management services. In addition to the traditional hotel services, it primarily provides residents with family-living arrangements and home-style services.
4.4. What is a Resort Hotel?
The so-called "Resort Hotel" refers to accommodation facilities with reception services for vacation tours, as well as distinctive architectural style, design & decoration, service quality, recreational facilities and other supporting functions of individual features, which is also a tourist attraction and travel destination.
5.5. What is an Economic Hotel?
The so-called "Economic Hotel" refers to hotels which are not involved in the star-rating system for domestic hotels with smaller scale, limited facilities and cheaper price, mainly providing lodgers with clean and simple living environment.
6.6. What are the criteria of a star hotel?
Star hotels include hotels which have passed the star-rating initiated by National Tourism Administration Of The People's Republic Of China (CNTA) and obtained an appropriate title; also include hotels which are not involved in the star-rating system but insist that their facilities have basically reached the appropriate level. Unrated hotels may have some deficiencies in hardware facilities compared with the star-rating criteria of CNTA.
7.Does the price I inquire include taxes and dues? Are there any implicit fees?

1. All prices disclosed on China Southern Airlines official website are contractual prices between China Southern Airlines and the hotels, which are preferential prices given by the hotels to China Southern Airlines;

2. The front-desk spot-payment price disclosed on China Southern Airlines website and online-payment price have included the service charges, excluding other hotel fees or taxes (Specific price is subject to confirmation);

3. The front-desk spot-payment price and online-payment price in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have included the service charges, excluding other hotel fees or taxes (Specific price is subject to confirmation).

8.8. Will I get free breakfast after booking a room?
Not all the hotel rooms you book offer free breakfasts. It depends on the hotels. Generally, breakfast information, e.g. "Free breakfasts included or not", and "One or two free breakfasts included" etc. shall be specified in the specific room type introduction.
9.9. Why does the room rate I inquire this time differ from that I got previously?
Hotel rates change with seasons and supply & demand conditions etc. If you see a favorable rate, please book it as soon as possible before you miss the special offer. Please note that all hotel rates are subject to supply constraints, and the rates cannot be guaranteed before the completion of the reservation.
10.10. What can I do if the room rate of the hotel I'd like to book cannot be found?
As hotel rates have not yet been established, you cannot find relevant rates temporarily. We kindly suggest that you book other hotels or dial the service hotline of China Southern Airlines at 40066-95539 to contact us and we will recommend hotels of the same level.
11.What’s the difference between retail price, front desk spot-payment price and online payment price?

Retail price refers to the price offered at the hotel front desk; the front-desk spot-payment price and online-payment price are discounted price, or the price for China Southern Airlines SkyPearl members. The front-desk spot-payment price refers to the price paid by the customer at the front desk when checking out of the hotel. And the online-payment price refers to the price paid to China Southern Airlines in advance after booking hotel rooms online, which can be paid in cash or via credit card (supported by China Southern Airlines system), etc.

12.What should I pay attention to when filling in the booking form?

1. Provide the name of at least one customer when booking each room so that the hotel can quickly identify your booking and help you check in.

2. When providing information of customer and contact person, please make sure to provide authentic information so that China Southern Airlines can contact you for confirmation when any problem arises in the process of confirming the booking.

3. Please check and confirm whether the room fees include breakfast, relevant guarantee terms of the booking or other booking rules.

13.How many days in advance do I need to book the hotel?

We propose you book the room 1-3 days in advance.

However, please make sure to book earlier than normal on weekends, holidays, expos or busy season of tourism to ensure the hotel rooms or satisfying hotel rooms are available.

14.14. How many rooms can I book using one reservation form?
You can book several rooms at one time, but this will be determined by the maximum number of rooms in hotel search criteria published on website. Please note: when you choose the maximum number of rooms, search results will be limited to relatively smaller choices in hotel and room type, and what is more, the hotel cannot guarantee that all the rooms you booked could be arranged in an adjacent or close position.
15.Can I help others book the hotel rooms?

You can help others book hotel rooms: When filling in booking form, you need to provide at least one name of the customer for each room; when checking in, the customer must show the valid ID with the same name provided by you in the booking form.

16.16. What should I pay attention to when booking a hotel?
1) Prompts given by the hotel, indicating its conditions during a certain period of time (e.g. free pick-up service and decoration of part floors etc.)

2) Features of room type with relevant descriptions (e.g. face lake, face north etc.)

3) Booking guarantee information or rules given by hotel
17.Why do I have to provide causes or flight information (train information) if I intend to check in after 18:00 p.m.?

If you check in in late hours, the hotel needs relevant flight/train information to know your itinerary to reserve room for you.

18.18. What is repeat booking?
Booking two or more rooms/ hotels with the same guest's name and check-in date is called repeat booking, which not only causes loss to hotels, but brings harm to guest's interests. As a result, we don’t accept this kind of booking.
19.Why the credit card is needed now? It was not needed in the past while booking the hotel room?

When the rooms are in short supply, to reduce NOSHOW and ensure normal service to customers, we require credit-card guarantee. In general, the credit-card guarantee is needed in the following circumstances:

1. In busy tourism season or most favored scenic area;

2. Hotels for expo or statutory holidays;

3. Reserved longer than the hotel limit.

After your credit card information is confirmed in the booking, the booked room will be reserved till 12:00p.m. of the following day. If you fail to show up as scheduled, your booking will be deemed as NOSHOW. The hotel will deduct the first-night room fee from your credit card. Attention, after the booking is confirmed, you can only change or cancel the booking within the valid working days regulated by the hotel.

20.When I provide credit-card guarantee, what consequences will happen if I NOSHOW or cancel the booking later than the cancellation deadline?

1. If the customer NOSHOW or cancel the booking later than the cancellation deadline, corresponding hotel room fees will be deducted according to international practice;

2. If the customer books three rooms but only checks in two of them, the hotel can also deduct one-room fee from the credit card;

3. When booking the hotel room, the customer service will tell the customer the cancellation deadline or reveal the cancellation deadline on the website page.

21.21. Can I check in without paying for the room rate since I have already provided my credit card as a guarantee?
No. The credit card is provided to guarantee that you are sure to check in, requiring the hotel to keep the reservation for you. And you are still required to pay for the room rate at the hotel reception after arrival. Only if you don't check in as scheduled or cancel before the last cancellation time resulting in losses of hotel, will we charge the corresponding room rate from your credit card.
22.I use the credit-card guarantee to book the hotel room. But I fail to live in the hotel. Now the payment will be deducted from my credit card. Without my signature, how can you deduct payment from my credit card?

China Southern Airlines and the bank have signed agreement. If necessary, China Southern Airlines will provide the bank with relevant voice recording concerning the booking and information of hotel room booking so that the bank can deduct payment directly. China Southern Airlines has clearly stated or notified the customers about payment deduction if customer fails to show up in the hotel when he/she books the room on China Southern Airlines portal or by making the call.

23.Will payment be deducted from my credit card if I cannot live in the hotel for force majeure reasons concerning flight or weather, etc. after I provide credit-card guarantee for the booking?

In such special circumstances, please call China Southern Airlines portal service number 40066-95539 so that China Southern Airlines will contact the hotel for you. Please keep relevant proof.

24.What if I have special needs (smoking/non-smoking level, extra bed, etc.)?

You can submit special needs by filling in the Special Needs Box on the booking information page. We will confirm with the hotel about whether your needs can be satisfied.

Attention! We will try our best to meet your special needs. Some special needs might produce extra fees (extra beds, for example).

25.How long do I have to wait to confirm the order after I submit it online?

We will contact the hotel immediately after we receive your order.

Often we will confirm for you within 24 hours.

You need to choose email or SMS as the form of noticing the booking confirmation.

26.What if I do not receive confirmation information for a long time?

The standard time limit of confirmation is 24 hours.

If you fail to receive the confirmation letter within the time limit, please call China Southern Airlines portal service number 40066-95539.

27.I have successfully booked the hotel room, but I have not made payment. What is the deadline of check-in?

If you choose the front-desk spot payment, after the booking is confirmed, China Southern Airlines will notify you of the check-in deadline. Please check in at the front desk by showing the ID with the name of booking customer (China Southern Airlines will not take any responsibility if you cannot check in because the customer’s name is different from that of the booking customer). The hotel will not reserve the room if you fail to check in before the deadline.

28.28. How to issue the invoice?
For the booking order paid for at hotel reception, a relevant invoice will be issued by the hotel.
29.Can I cancel my booking if credit-card guarantee has been submitted and confirmed?

You can cancel the booking within the valid working days even after the credit-card guarantee. If you fail to cancel the booking, relevant room fees will be deducted from your credit card even after you do not live in the hotel.

30.30. How should I change or cancel my reservation?
For reservation change or cancellation, you may contact us by dialing the service hotline of China Southern Airlines at 40066-95539.
31.31. What should I do if I want to recover the previous cancelled booking order?
The cancelled order cannot be recovered. You can resubmit the reservation and the room rate displayed online when booking will be the one applied.
32.What is the change or cancellation deadline?

Change or cancellation deadline is regulated for booking and credit-card guarantee. If customer changes or cancels the booking before the deadline, no payment will be deducted from the credit card. Corresponding hotel room fees will be deducted by China Southern Airlines if the customer changes or cancels the booking after the deadline.

33.I have made the payment, but I need to get refunded. Can I ask what procedure I should go through?

Customer who has made online payment will refund the payment to the paying credit card via the bank. The customer who has made cash payment will receive cash refund.

If such refund is incurred for the reason of the customer, the commission fee of the refund will be borne by the customer. The refund will be given to your credit card in about 15-20 working days due to relevant handling procedures. Please be patient.

34.After booking the hotel room via China Southern Airlines, can I add room or apply for longer stay?

You can call China Southern Airlines portal service number 40066-95539。If you have checked in the hotel, please call us and apply for longer stay. China Southern Airlines will not take any responsibility for room fee rise if you apply for longer stay directly with the hotel.

35.35. How can I check in after successful reservation?
Upon arrival, you only need to show your valid passport or ID at the hotel reception and you can check in. Of course you should make sure that name on your ID should be consistent with the name you put on the booking order. Usually the hotel will ask you to pay a deposit to guarantee the payment for your stay.
36.Can I check in or check out earlier than booking period?

Often the check-in time is 14:00p.m. and check-out time is 12:00 p.m. If you intend to check in earlier than booking time, the hotel might collect extra charges from you. After checking in the hotel, if you need to check out earlier than scheduled: the hotel will collect room fees according to actual situation if you choose the front-desk spot payment approach; if you pay the room fees online, the pre-paid room fees will not be refunded; if you have to check out earlier for some special reason, please contact us and provide written proof from the hotel. We will coordinate with the hotel and try to refund the rooms fees for the services that not happen.

37.37. What if I arrive later than the estimated time? Will the room be kept for me?
Without specified annotation, generally the hotel will keep the room unti l 18:00 pm of the check-in date (part hotels have specified latest check-in time), and the room will not be available beyond this time limit. If changes occur to your check-in time, please call us or the hotel informing relevant changes; otherwise, the hotel may cancel your reservation.
38.How to handle delayed arrival in overseas hotels?

Please make sure to tell your arrival time so that we can notice the hotel to keep your hotel room.

If you reach after 12:00 p.m., please tell your flight information and arrival time so that we can notice the hotel to keep the room for you. When we have not received any notice from you, the hotel can regard your booking as NO-SHOW and cancel your booking. It means no room will be reserved for you when you show up in the hotel.

39.39. What if I cannot find my reservation at the hotel reception?
If you book the room through China Southern Airlines and get confirmed, the booking order with your information is supposed to be found at the hotel reception and you need to check in with the name left on the reservation. If you still can not find your reservation, please contact us by dialing the service hotline of China Southern Airlines at 40066-95539, and we will reconfirm with the hotel and find a satisfactory solution for you.
40.40. What does a "NO SHOW" mean?
In case you book a hotel through China Southern Airlines but you don't check in, this is called a "NO SHOW". If the name of the actual check-in guest differs from the name left on the reservation, it may also be regarded as NO SHOW.
41.41. How to avoid NO SHOW?
When travel plans have changed and you need to cancel or change the reservation, please inform China Southern Airlines in advance to avoid NO SHOW.
42.How can I check my hotel booking record?

If you are the China Southern Airlines SkyPearl member, after logging in, please click Order Manager on the upper right of the screen, and click the link of hotel booking to review your itinerary record. If you are not the member, please call China Southern Airlines portal service number 40066-95539. You just need to provide the information in the booking to consult relevant record.

43.I have booked the international hotel. Which time zone should I select when booking the hotel, Beijing time or local time?

Local time (including check-in and check-out time).

44.How can I pay for the booking of international hotel fees?

At present, customers can make front-desk spot payment in international hotels. You can book the international hotel room on China Southern Airlines portal or by dialing the service number 4006695539. When checking out, you can settlement the payment in the hotel.

45.Is there any time limit for booking international hotel rooms?

Because of the time difference in payment and international confirmation, we propose you book at least three working days in advance.

46.What should the customer do when having special needs for the room when booking overseas hotel room?

Special needs in overseas hotels refer to such needs as Handicapped Room, Airport Pickup Service, etc. We will convey your special needs to the hotel. However, we don’t guarantee the hotel will meet all your special needs. It might be possible that the hotel collects charges for the special service. Attention: When booking the overseas hotel, your preference for “bed type”, “smoking” or “non-smoking” is not deemed as the special need. The hotel will arrange as per the room situation and no additional fees will incur.

47.Why do two-people and four-people hotel rooms in US, which have the same size, collect different fees?

In general, US hotels provide two-bed rooms, which can accommodate four people at most. Such rooms can also be used as three-person or two-person rooms to customers. Because hotel room fees are collected according to the number of customers in the room, it might be possible that different fees are collected for the same kind of rooms, with four people or two people respectively.

48.48. Why are the rooms in part European hotels smaller and equipped with simpler facilities?
There are different standards for hardware supporting facilities between European hotels and domestic hotels. Usually in European hotels, the lobby and elevator room are less spacious and washing facilities are relatively simpler compared with domestic hotels of the same level. On the whole, the configuration of two and three star hotels in Europe is inferior to that of domestic hotels of the same level, especially traditional or family-style hotels.
49.How can I cancel or change my booking of international hotel rooms?

The hotel room is confirmed once the international hotel room is successfully booked.

The confirmed guest rooms do not accept change. If you do need to cancel, please submit it within the time limit of free cancellation. Cancel the booking within limit of free cancellation will not incur any fees. Otherwise relevant compensations will be collected. Please read the booking rules for time limit of cancellation. If you need to cancel the booking, please log onto China Southern Airlines Portal-Order Management-Hotel Booking to find the corresponding booking form and click “Cancel Booking”. Or dial 40066-95539 to notice us to cancel the booking.

50.I have pre-paid the room fees to China Southern Airlines. Why does the hotel still charge me?

In general, the hotel will require credit-card guarantee or cash guarantee when the customer checks in to ensure the customer pays for the miscellaneous charges apart from the room fees.

51.What if the hotel does not have record of my booking?

After the booking is confirmed, we will send you the confirmation sheet to you via e-mail or SMS. You can print the confirmation sheet, or keep the SMS so that the hotel can find your booking easily. If the hotel fails to find your booking record, please contact our portal service number 40066-95539.

52.Can China Southern Airlines issue invoice for my booking of international hotel rooms?

The hotel issues invoice for the front-desk spot payment.

53.53. How should I handle it if I need to check in late?
You are required to inform us of your check-in time in advance so that we can contact the hotel to keep the room for you. If you arrive after 24:00, please inform us of your flight information and arrival time so that we can negotiate with the hotel to keep the room for you. Without your notification, the hotel may regard your reservation as "NO-SHOW" (without showing as scheduled) and cancel your reservation, which may result in no available room for you upon your arrival.
54.54. What to do if I want to check out in advance?
Generally, the room rate will not be refunded to you if you check out in advance. If there are special circumstances, you need to get the consent of the hotel principal and written proof of no extra charge.
55.55. What to do if I want to stay several days more?
Whether you can extend your stay is based on the conditions of the hotel rooms and the charges for extended stay are paid directly at the hotel reception.