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1.I have typed in the required information but failed to find information of my ticket. Why?

If the system shows your ticket information is not found, it means the ticket is not valid or has not been issued. We propose you dial China Southern Airlines website service number 4006695539 (domestic); +86-4008695539 and +86-20-22395539 (international) for further query.

2.How to verify the ticket through travel itinerary?

After entering the page of ticket verification, you can choose “through travel itinerary”; then type in printing serial No. (ten numbers excluding the end number) shown on the upper right of travel itinerary and your e-ticket No. (starting with 784), and click “query”.

3.What types of tickets are supported by online ticket verification? Can I verify the ticket I bought in ticket agency on China Southern Airlines website?

1. Here we provide query and verification service for ticket or travel itinerary starting with 784 sold by China Southern Airlines:

2. If you provide “passenger+booking form number”, you can only verify E-ticket sold on or, for instance, C1209180011065.

4.In how many ways can I verify the ticket online?

There are two ways: first, through ticket number; or second, travel itinerary number.

5.Can I verify authenticity of my ticket online?