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Посетите Гану, чтобы полежать на песчаных пляжах Золотого берега или посмотреть на слонов и львов в национальном парке. Погрузитесь в культуру западно-африканского народа ашанти в городе Кумаси или ощутите жизнерадостную энергетику многонациональной столицы страны — Аккры. Вдали от Аккры Вы поймете, что главное сокровище Ганы — это километры пляжей с пальмами на берегу Атлантического океана.

Holidays in Ghana


Ghana has ten distinctive regions, from Accra on the coast to the ancient Ashanti city of Kumasi in the heart of the country. Guarding the Gold Coast is a string of forts and castles – visit the World Heritage-listed Elmina and Cape Coast forts, poignant reminders of the region's slave trade days. Explore Ghana's rainforest and savannah for centuries old Moorish landmarks.

City breaks in Ghana


Feel the cosmopolitan Afro-Western vibe in Ghana's capital Accra at its busy markets, restaurants and museums. Experience the vitality at Kumasi's massive Kejetia Market, then visit surrounding craft villages and learn about Ashanti culture at the Centre for National Culture. Visit Ghana's Upper East capital, Bolgatanga, to shop for handicrafts. Travel to Wa to see the Sudanese architecture of Wa Naa's Palace and Nakore Mosque.

Things to do in Ghana


Travel down the Gold Coast to lie on sun-soaked sandy shores. Brave the swinging Canopy Walk through rainforest at Kakum National Park - look out for monkeys, elephants and antelopes along the way. Head to eastern Ghana to splash in the Akaah Waterfalls and Begoro Falls. Or spot lions and baboons at the northern region's Mole National Park and glimpse the distinctive mud-built Larabanga Mosque.

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