
Flights and holidays to Romania

ルーマニア北部にあるマラムレシュ地方の伝統工芸を体験したり、トレンディな大学都市クルジュ=ナポカで人気のバーを訪れてください。 バロック様式の建物が残るブラショヴの狭い通りを散歩したり、首都ブカレストのさまざまな魅力を発見してください。 トランシルヴァニア地方の山々でハイキングを楽しんだり、黒海沿岸で海水浴をお楽しみください。

Discover Romania

City breaks in Romania

Walk along the wide, tree-lined boulevards past the communist palaces and classical mansions of Bucharest. Wander through the small, cobbled alleyways of the ancient city of Brasov, where red-roofed houses give way to Romania’s largest Gothic church. Explore the UNESCO-listed, fortified city of Sighisoara. And take in Cluj-Napoca, Romania’s biggest university city, where life revolves around its buzzing, cafe-lined squares.

Things to do in Romania

Explore Maramures, where pretty wooden churches sit on rolling green hills. In Bukovina, you’ll find meticulously painted frescos in 15th-century monasteries. The Carpathian mountains traverse Transylvania and its deep forests and medieval castles. Take your binoculars to the Danube Delta Reserve to spot grey herons and great white pelicans. Or relax on sandy beaches along the Black Sea coast.





Discover more of Romania

The city has preserved many olderareas, such as the winding,café-filled Lipscani quarter
