
Flights and holidays to Czech Republic

有名人が集まるカルロヴィ・ヴァリのスパから、雪に覆われたクルコノシェ山脈やプルゼニの有名なピルスナー・ウルケルビールまで、チェコ共和国の楽しみ方はたくさんあります。 チェコ共和国を訪れるなら、石畳のフランチャヌィ広場や壮大なプラハ城があるプラハは見逃せません。 ユネスコの世界遺産に登録されているチェスキー・クルムロフの美しい町も是非訪れてください。

Discover Czech Republic

Cheap holidays in Czech Republic

It doesn't cost much to go cross-country and downhill skiing in the Krkonose Mountains in the north-east. Or go hiking and rafting in the summer months when Czechs emerge from hibernation and throw their cottages open to the fresh air. Explore and marvel at the sandstone cliffs and canyons of Cesky, literally the Bohemian Paradise, a popular place for biking, water sports and skiing.

Things to do in Czech Republic

Prague lies nestled within mountainous national borders and is divided by the Vltava River – snaking its way northwards from the Bohemian Forest, eventually merging with the Elbe River at fertile Mlnk. Join Czechs in their love of the great outdoors in the northern Krkonoe region. Or explore Moravia in the east for the medieval city of Brno and most of the nation's vineyards.





Discover more of Czech Republic

Prague’s astronomical clock is over600 years old, created more than acentury before Shakespeare was born

Harriet Cooper,  ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズ(British Airways)
