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Flights toSaudi Arabia

Scopra il cuore culturale del Medio Oriente. Dalle moderne metropoli commerciali come Riyadh alle città sante musulmane Mecca e Medina, l'Arabia Saudita offre una vastissima gamma di esperienze storiche e culturali. Il territorio è suddiviso in cinque regioni storiche, dall'Hejaz sulla costa del Mar Rosso - la zona dove avviene la maggior parte degli scambi commerciali del Paese, alla provincia orientale.

Cities we fly to in Saudi Arabia

Travel to the heat of the Middle East, with our flights to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's capital – a country of sacred beliefs and other-worldly landscapes. Discover modern-city living in the desert, listen out for the call to prayer and cover-up to visit mosques. Venture beyond the hubbub of the metropolis, to find mesmerising horizons, enchanting national parks and colourful oceans.

From November 2024, we will fly direct to Jeddah from London Heathrow.

Discover Saudi Arabia

Things to do in Saudi Arabia

There are many opportunities for adventure holidays in Saudi Arabia as the country enjoys two coastlines on the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, both popular areas for water sports. The Jeddah Corniche is the largest waterfront area in Saudi Arabia, a tourist capital offering 30 km of beach resorts and luxury hotels and providing the ideal opportunity for scuba diving amongst the coral reefs.

Consigli per i viaggiatori

Visa and entry requirements

A travel Visa is essential when booking flights to Saudi Arabia, but internal travel permits are no longer required.

Abitudini locali

As a Muslim country, you are expected to pay heed to local customs and beliefs and to dress conservatively in public.


If you are visiting Saudi Arabia during the fasting month of Ramadan this may also entail abstaining from eating, drinking and smoking in public during the daylight hours.

Ti occorre l'aiuto dei nostri esperti?

Si assicuri che la sua vacanza sia davvero indimenticabile, confrontandosi con uno dei nostri esperti di viaggi ai Caraibi.

Scopri di più sul Medio Oriente

Non perderti la vetta più alta dell'Oman,Jabal Shams, per ammirare dall'altol'imponente gola di Wadi Ghul

Harriet Cooper,  per British Airways
