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Vols à destination de Bologne

Fly direct to Bologna from the United Kingdom and get to know one of Italy’s most instantly likeable cities. Founded over 2,000 years ago, Bologna has both a remarkable density of ancient buildings and a youthful population, partly attracted by its historic university.

The city’s red brick core still looks medieval, with grand spaces such as the arcaded central Piazza Maggiore and the religious complex of San Stefano. Its many portico arcades also make ideal shelters for cafés, bars and ice cream parlours that stay open into the early morning. Flights to Bologna are also the best way to access a large chunk of northern Italy. Less than an hour from the airport is the stunning Romanesque cathedral of Modena, while the Adriatic Coast and the beaches of Rimini are just over an hour away.

Bologna flight facts

Find out everything you need to know about our flights to Bologna

Duration of your flight to Bologna

Duration of your flight to Bologna

Flights from London to Bologna have a journey time of 1 hour 55 minutes. One of Italy’s most centrally located terminals, Bologna airport is 3.5 miles from the city centre.

Informations voyageurs

Conditions générales

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Meilleur prix garanti

Trouvez un vol British Airways moins cher, nous remboursons la différence.

En savoir plus

Outil de recherche de petits prix et faibles dépôts initiaux.

Outils de calcul de budget

Outil de recherche de petits prix et faibles dépôts initiaux.

En savoir plus


Figez votre réservation de vol pendant 72 heures à moindres frais


Pourquoi BA ?

Empruntez un vol British Airways pour profiter d'un service primé et d'un excellent rapport qualité/prix, sans aucun frais caché :

  • Des vols réguliers vers plus de 140 destinations.
  • Des tarifs flexibles qui s'adaptent à votre budget et à vos besoins de déplacement.
  • Une franchise de bagage à main gratuite généreuse.
  • Enregistrement à l'aéroport, en ligne ou sur portable.