
Quiet hotel moments from the airport, with free breakfast and Wi-Fi. Holiday Inn Express® Manchester Airport hotel boasts a prime location only 1.9 miles from Manchester Airport. Direct trains from Manchester Airport station reach the city centre in less than 20 minutes. The hotel is also just minutes from junction 6 of the M56 motorway and offers chargeable on-site parking.Old Trafford football stadium, home of Manchester United, is a 20-minute drive, and youll find a variety of stores, eateries and family activities at nearby Trafford Centre.There's plenty of room for an informal meeting in the hotel's spacious lobby, or you can host a function in the grand hangar of the Runway Visitor Park, just three minutes from the hotel by car.Wake up in the morning with a Free Express Start Breakfast. You can unwind with a drink or a snack in the Express Bar while watching sports on the 84-inch TV. Alternatively, dine in the Express Café from 5pm–9:30pm. Stay connected during your stay with free Wi-Fi, available throughout the hotel.

Details zur Unterkunft


Runger Lane,Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport
United Kingdom
M90 5DL


Normaler Check-In: 14:00
Normaler Check-Out: 11:00


8.3 mi / 13.4 km vom Stadtzentrum

Allgemeine Einrichtungen

  • Parkplätze auf dem Grundstück
  • Restaurant
  • Drahtlose Internetverbindung in öffentlichen Bereichen
  • Parken
  • Lounges/Bars
  • Öffentlicher Bereich mit Klimaanlage
  • Safe

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