Help with delays, cancellations and refunds

Rebook and refund options

Find out below how to rebook your trip or get a refund if your flight or holiday has been disrupted by delays or cancellations.

Delayed flights

If your flight is delayed for 5 hours or more, you can get a refund for the parts of your journey you did not fly.

If you're delayed at your final destination by more than 3 hours and that delay arises from causes within our control (rather than extraordinary circumstances which could not have been avoided by all reasonable measures) you can claim compensation.

Check the status of your flight

Cancelled flights

If your flight has been cancelled you can claim a refund.

Review your EU consumer rights.

Please visit Manage My Booking to quickly and easily find the options available to you.

If you booked through a travel agent or a tour operator, please contact them directly to discuss your options or request a refund. If you need further assistance obtaining a refund from your travel agent or tour operator, please contact us directly.

If you need further assistance please contact us, we are here to help.

Flight connections

The below applies to delayed or cancelled connecting flights that are booked together under the same booking reference, e.g. Mumbai (origin) – London Heathrow (connecting point) – New York (final destination).

If your flight is delayed

  • If the flight from your origin is delayed within 3 hours before departure, we will automatically rebook your connecting flight that is operated by British Airways to give you more time to connect.
  • Please be mindful of the minimum connection times for reaching your flight.
  • Being part of the oneworld® alliance, we can provide support through the oneworld Global Support teams at key airports. They can help speed you through the airport, provide up-to-date travel information, new boarding passes and, if required, overnight accommodation.

If you miss your connecting flight

  • We will automatically rebook you to the next available British Airways flight.
  • The oneworld Global Support team will be able to help with your journey e.g. provide up-to-date travel information, new boarding passes and, if required, overnight accommodation.
  • If you booked your connecting flight separately with another airline, we won't be able to help, even if our flight was delayed. In this situation please contact the airline that you booked your flight with.


  • If a delay or cancellation of five hours or more disrupts a connecting flight that you booked under the same booking reference (with a planned connection time of 24 hours or less) and you no longer wish to continue to your final destination, the operating carrier will provide you with a return flight to your original point of departure at the earliest opportunity as well as refund the parts of the journey you did not fly.
  • You can claim a refund for the parts of your journey which you did fly, provided that you can prove that the journey no longer serves any purpose in relation to your original travel plans. You must then claim this refund at the same time as claiming a refund for the parts of your journey you did not fly.
  • To claim a refund, please follow the same steps as for cancelled flights.

Bookings including flight + hotel / car hire / transfer / experience

(Booked together with a cancelled flight)

Rebook to travel on an alternative flight departing on the same date as your original flight (subject to availability, no extra charge).

Or, rebook to travel on different dates (subject to availability). There's no charge for changing your flight booking. If the price of your hotel, car hire, transfer or experience is higher you will need to pay the difference. If the price is lower, we will refund it.

Or, cancel your booking and claim a refund (incl. taxes) to the original form of payment.

If you have already started your journey:

  • Call the British Airways Holidays 24-hour helpline. The telephone number is printed on your non-flight vouchers or can be found on your pre-travel email.

If you haven't started your journey yet: