Frequently asked questions

collapsedCan I get a refund?show
If you change your mind you can request a full refund for your meal up until 24 hours before your flight's scheduled time of departure.
collapsedWhat if I want to change my meal?show
You can change your meal up until 24 hours before your flight's scheduled time of departure. If you change to a higher priced option there will be an additional payment to make and if you change to a lower priced option, we will refund you the difference.
collapsedIs my meal guaranteed?show
We do all we can to deliver the meal you have booked, but there may be very rare occasions where we are unable to, in which case you will be entitled to a full refund.
collapsedWhat is included in the World Traveller meal?show
  • On all long haul flights, British Airways will supply a full meal service suited to the time of day and length of flight, so you may be offered more than one meal.
  • The primary standard meal typically consists of three courses. If you purchase one of our more indulgent meals from our online menu, it will replace the standard meal on your flight. Any other meal services will still be offered to you.
collapsedAre drinks included?show
Complimentary drinks are served to everyone, regardless of their meal selection.
collapsedWill I get the meal I've ordered online as well as the standard World Traveller meal?show
No, the standard on-board meal is replaced with the meal you choose from our menu online. Any additional meal services will still be offered to you as normal.
collapsedWhat if I have a specific dietary requirement?show
  • You can see the allergen information alongside the meal description for each of our specially designed meals which are available to order online.
  • If you have medical dietary requirements, we recommend that you request a special meal from our range via Manage My Booking.
collapsedWhat time is my meal served?show
Your meal will be served with the main meal service on your flight.
collapsedCan I have a child meal?show
  • If you are travelling with children, you can request a complimentary special meal in advance.
  • At the moment, we do not offer meals designed for children from our wider selection menu.
collapsedCan I order my meal for every leg of my journey?show
Not at the moment as the advance order service is being offered on selected flight from the UK initially. We expect to make the service more widely available in the future.
collapsedDo I have to pre-order for everyone in my party?show
No, you can order for some or all people in your booking.
collapsedDo all orders need to be made at the same time?show
No, you can order for different people at any time up to 24 hours before your flight's scheduled departure.
collapsedWhen is payment taken for my food order?show
You'll be required to pay for your meal when you place your order online.
collapsedWhat is the earliest time I can order my food?show
You can order your meal in advance from approximately 30 days up to 24 hours before your flight's scheduled departure.
collapsedWhat if I don't enjoy my meal?show
Whilst we hope that you will be more than happy with your meal, if it's not to your complete satisfaction, please let the cabin crew know.
collapsedHow do I claim a refund for my meal?show
collapsedCan I order my meal when I check in?show
Unfortunately not as we need 24 hours advance notice to be able to deliver your order to the aircraft in time.
collapsedCan I buy these meals when I get on board?show
We don't offer our wider selection of meals for purchase on-board as there is limited space to store them. That is why they are available to order exclusively online.
collapsedWhat if I don't want to buy a meal?show
You don't have to pay for a more indulgent meal as you will be offered a complimentary standard meal on-board.
collapsedIs there any cost for the standard meal?show
No, the standard meal served is complimentary, along with other meal services and drinks served on board.