Avios Flight Calculator

How many Avios and Tier Points will you collect on your next flight?

Use our calculator to get an estimate of how many Avios you’ll collect for flights that award Avios based on the distance flown. For flights booked after 18 October 2023 that award on the price of your ticket, find out more about collecting Avios.

You can also use this calculator to work out how many tier points you’ll earn for all flights.

For existing bookings, including those made before 18 October 2023, please check Manage My Booking to find out how many Avios and tier points you’ve collected.

You can also use this calculator for connecting flights. Simply enter each flight separately and then add the amounts together.

Example: for New York to Edinburgh via London, enter New York to London, then London to Edinburgh. Select the New York airport, such as JFK, and London airport, such as LHR.