Password help
You must not use one of the previous 5 passwords.
Passwords must be between 8 and 20 characters long and include a mix of letters (English A-Z) and numbers with no spaces. You can include one of the following special characters: ! " # $ ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ^ ] _ ` { | }
Make your password stronger:
- Use a longer password. The longer it is, the harder it is for someone to guess.
- Include a mixture of capital letters and special characters.
- Create your own acronym or abbreviation like 1!vCht for ‘I love chocolate’, or use phonetic replacements such as 'Luv2L#f' for 'Love to Laugh', to help you remember.
Things to avoid:
- Names, places, dates and dictionary words.
- Keyboard patterns like qwerty and sequential numbers such as 1234.
- Repeated characters, for example aa11bb.
- Using passwords that are listed online as good examples.
Keep your password safe:
- Never tell anyone your password.
- Never write your password down.
- Never send your password by email.
- Don’t use the same password across different websites.
- Periodically change your password for increased security.