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Flights and holidays to Argentina

Пронеситесь по Пампе верхом как настоящий гаучо, распробуйте благородные вина, любуясь белоголовыми Андами, и рассмотрите вблизи ледники Патагонии размером в целый город. Многие начинают знакомство с Аргентиной с ее столицы, Буэнос-Айреса, и почти всегда подпадают под очарование ее гордых традиций, величия старины и неугомонной ночной жизни.

Holidays in Argentina

Лучшие отелиРезультаты поиска

Our recommended holidays in Argentina

Watch the sensual tango at a smoky backstreet milonga dance event in Buenos Aires. Enjoy nature at its best at the thunderous Iguazu Falls, set amid tropical rainforest. Travel to the Perito Moreno glacier, where enormous chunks of blue ice carve off into the lake below or venture to remote Patagonia for close encounters with whales and penguins in their natural environment.

3-звездочный отдых


4-звездочный отдых


Лучшие туры


Discover Argentina

Urban Argentina

Wander the palm-filled plazas of Buenos Aires, head to the most famous square, central Plaza de Mayo, and soak in the lively atmosphere, overlooking the pink presidential palace, the Casa Rosada – where Evita waved to the adoring masses. Trace Argentina's colonial heritage amid the Jesuit and Spanish architecture in Crdoba. Or head to the vineyards of Mendoza in the lap of the Andes.

Rural Argentina

Wander the palm-filled plazas of Buenos Aires, head to the most famous square, central Plaza de Mayo, and soak in the lively atmosphere, overlooking the pink presidential palace, the Casa Rosada – where Evita waved to the adoring masses. Trace Argentina's colonial heritage amid the Jesuit and Spanish architecture in Crdoba. Or head to the vineyards of Mendoza in the lap of the Andes.

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