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Voli per St. Kitts e Nevis

A tropical dream come to life

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Book your flights to St Kitts

If you want to feel like you’re a world away, fly to St Kitts for your next holiday. Glorious white-sand beaches, unbelievably blue waters and friendly locals make it a dream destination. The idyllic island has something for everyone, from an extraordinary selection of beautiful beaches to a lively nightlife with bustling bars and restaurants. Experience the best of the island’s party atmosphere and visit during its annual Carnival, held between Christmas and New Year.

British Airways flies to St. Kitts’ Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport (SKB). Get a sense of the island’s history by exploring the capital city of Basseterre on foot. Notice the European architecture, elegant Georgian buildings and spend an afternoon wandering around the charming port city. Much more than just picturesque landscapes and tropical vistas, St Kitts also has a rich colonial history, with heritage sites that date back to the days when sugar plantations ruled the island. Ride the open-air top deck of the St Kitts Scenic Railway, a unique way to see the best of the island’s natural beauty. When you’re ready to get back to the sun lounger, take a dip in one of the island’s many stunning beaches, and feel the relaxation wash over you. Book your flight to St. Kitts now with British Airways.

St Kitts and Nevis flight FAQs

How long is a flight to St Kitts?

The flight time from London to St. Kitts’ Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport (SKB) is approximately 10 hours and 15 minutes. Your journey time includes a brief stop in Antigua where the plane will remain on the runway for one hour - but you won’t have to disembark.

What’s the cheapest month to fly to St Kitts?

The cheapest month to fly to St. Kitts is generally May or June, when you can save on flights and accommodation and still enjoy the balmy tropical weather. Peak high season for tourists is from December to April. To find the cheapest flights to St. Kitts, use our low fare finder.

Is St Kitts cheap to visit?

St. Kitts is much more affordable if you travel outside of the peak season. If you visit in May or June or outside of the peak season, you’ll save money on flights and accommodation. As with any popular destination, if you gravitate away from the tourist-heavy places, you’ll find some low-cost gems and more authentic food.

Is it easy to get around St Kitts?

Once you touch down in St. Kitts at Robert L. Bradshaw Airport (SKB), you’ll be close to the capital, Basseterre. Hop in a taxi to take you to your hotel or simply add an airport transfer to your holiday booking. If you’re heading to Nevis, there’s a 50-minute public ferry, but this stops running on most days at 5pm.

Prenota un'auto a noleggio con British Airways e ottieni grandi vantaggi, incluse tutte le spese obbligatorie e l'assistenza clienti 24 ore su 24. Accumula Avios con ogni noleggio.

Why visit St Kitts?

Caldo e accogliente, questo piccolo arcipelago caraibico è davvero un paradiso tropicale. Appena arrivato, rimarrai stupito dalla bellezza naturale delle spiagge di sabbia bianca e delle imponenti montagne. Inoltre troverai tanti luoghi da scoprire, dai siti dichiarati Patrimonio dell'Umanità UNESCO agli affascinanti resti della storia coloniale che offrono uno spaccato del passato dell'isola. Senza considerare lo squisito cibo locale a l'ampia varietà di hotel e resort pensati per realizzare la vacanza dei tuoi sogni.

Why fly British Airways to St Kitts?

Per godere di un servizio eccezionale a partire dalla prenotazione: Scegli un volo con tariffa solo bagaglio a mano o una tariffa che includa 23 kg di franchigia bagaglio registrato e la possibilità di selezionare gratuitamente i posti 24 ore prima della partenza. A bordo troverai posti a sedere puliti e igienizzati, aria filtrata con HEPA, servizio di ristorazione a bordo di alta qualità e l'esclusiva accoglienza British.

Rilassati e affidati a noi, ci prenderemo cura di te in ogni momento del viaggio.

Caldo e accogliente, questo piccolo arcipelago caraibico è davvero un paradiso tropicale. Appena arrivato, rimarrai stupito dalla bellezza naturale delle spiagge di sabbia bianca e delle imponenti montagne. Inoltre troverai tanti luoghi da scoprire, dai siti dichiarati Patrimonio dell'Umanità UNESCO agli affascinanti resti della storia coloniale che offrono uno spaccato del passato dell'isola. Senza considerare lo squisito cibo locale a l'ampia varietà di hotel e resort pensati per realizzare la vacanza dei tuoi sogni. 

St Kitts and Nevis travel essentials

Orario del volo

10 ore 15 min

Fuso orario

GMT -5


Dollaro dei Caraibi Orientali

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