A Sunseeker's summer


Emily: I’m going to Ibiza. I’m really excited to go to Ibiza. I’ve never been to Ibiza before, I know it’s really hot, I know there’s loads of beaches but I can’t wait to see what there is to do there.

Emily: Bye London.

Simbad Hotel and Spa.

Emily: Yay, we’ve got a really nice sea view as well haven’t we? We’re going to have a walk around, eat some lunch because we are both hungry.

Immy: We can see where we need to get to, which is there, The Old Town.

Emily: We got somewhere. I think we’re in Old Town. Not entirely sure. I’m drinking a glass of rosé.

Emily: We’ve got to Lasalinus. Women put on dresses and they basically model dresses down the beach.

Emily: Right, so we are on a boat.

Emily: We’re going to Fermantura, we’re going to rent some bikes, and just chill out on the beach really, and have a picnic.

Emily: Still cycling so fast, I;m going faster than Ellie.

Emily: We’re going to this cool beach club, called Eshwyie. As you can see our Spanish is going great.

Emily: Sorry, you have to quickly say ‘Hi’. This is Andrea.

Emily: So we’re just going for supper, we’re going to a French Italian. Do you like French Italian food?

Immy: love it.

Emily: We’re in a nice restaurant. Immy looks very pretty. We’re having some bread and aioli.

Emily: Last few hours at the beach in style aren’t we Imy? On nice little, padded, pimped out sofas at this nice place.

Emily: We’re in our final restaurant of our holiday. It’s like an amazing restaurant with a view. Imy has been very brave and she’s gone in the sea.

Emily: I don’t want to go home. Bye Ibiza.