
This modern hotel is beautifully located at the heart of Naples. Guests can enjoy close proximity to Herculaneum, Pompeii, Vesuvius and the mesmerising Amalfi Coast, which are all within driving distance. In the city, guests can explore the Castello Angioino, Castello dell'Ovo, Castello St. Elmo and the Capodimonte Museum. A wealth of restaurants, shops and entertainment opportunities are also located nearby. This charming hotel greets visitors with warm hospitality. The inviting guest rooms provide a peaceful setting in which to completely unwind. Guests are invited to avail of the many facilities and services that this property has to offer.

Accommodation details


Via P.S.Mancini 11

Check-in Details:

Normal Check-in: 14:00
Normal Check-out: 10:00


1.1 mi / 1.8 km from city centre

General facilities

  • Parking
  • Lounges/bars
  • Room service
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe deposit box
  • Elevators

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