
Bakubung Bush Lodge is found within the Pilanesberg National Park. Pilanesberg National Park is a short distance from the famous Sun City resort and is a 57 000-hectare big five game reserve that is also malaria-free, making it an ideal family holiday destination. Bakubung Bush Lodge has a swimming pool, kids playground, tennis courts, a wildlife centre as well as a volleyball court and gym. There are a number of bars and restaurants to revel in authentic South African cuisine and enjoy sundowners from the Marula Grill Restaurant and the Bush Boma to the Thutiwa Pool Bar and Motswedi Ladies Bar. Adventure activities include game drives and bush walks that will bring you closer to the wilds of Africa.

Accommodation details


Pilanesberg National Park
Pilanesberg National Park
South Africa

Check-in Details:

Normal Check-in: 15:00
Normal Check-out: 11:00


84.5 mi / 136.2 km from city centre

General facilities

  • Onsite laundry
  • Spa
  • Tennis court
  • Beauty shop/salon
  • Restaurant
  • Outdoor pool
  • Free parking
  • Shop
  • Soccer School
  • Safe deposit box

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