
Nestled among five acres of landscaped gardens and flora, the Tropikist Beach Hotel & Resort offers a slice of Caribbean paradise. Modern facilities include a free-form pool complete with waterfall and swim-up bar, a dedicated water sports and diving pool, a Jacuzzi and two lovely restaurants. Enjoy beautiful ocean views and golden sands just moments from this quaint hotel.

This hotel is in the Crown Point area on the south western shores of Tobago. In this buzzing tourist spot, you’ll find yourself just moments from the beautiful Pigeon Point beach, stunning historic sites, quaint shops and restaurants. Discover the history of the military establishment Fort Milford, just under half a mile away. Walk the golden sands of Store Bay Beach and Swallows Beach, both of which are one mile away from the hotel. Stroll the infamous Pigeon Point Heritage Park or venture across the island to the beautiful Tobago Forest Reserve. Hike through the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve or snorkel along the spectacular Kariwak Reef. The hotel is conveniently located just half a mile away from ANR Robinson International Airport.

Rooms are simple and spacious with modern, minimalistic furnishings. Clean colour palettes, stone-style flooring and splashes of ocean blue feature throughout. Enjoy stunning sea views, private balconies and complimentary amenities in all rooms.

Details zur Unterkunft


Old Store Bay Road
Crown Point
Trinidad and Tobago


Normaler Check-In: 15:00
Normaler Check-Out: 11:00


7.6 mi / 12.2 km vom Stadtzentrum

Zimmertypen und Einrichtung


Personen maximal 4, Betttyp: Doppelbett(en)  Satellitenfernsehen, Kühlschrank, Klimaanlage, Privates Badezimmer, Separate Dusche, Balkon/Veranda/Terrasse, Fernseher


Personen maximal 4, Betttyp: Doppelbett(en)  Satellitenfernsehen, Kühlschrank, Klimaanlage, Privates Badezimmer, Badewannen-/Duschkombination, Balkon/Veranda/Terrasse, Fernseher


Personen maximal 4, Betttyp: Kingsize-Bett(en)  Satellitenfernsehen, Kühlschrank, Deckenventilator, Klimaanlage, Privates Badezimmer, Badewannen-/Duschkombination, Balkon/Veranda/Terrasse, Fernseher

Allgemeine Einrichtungen

  • Concierge-Schalter
  • Geldwechsel
  • 2 Restaurant
  • 2 Pool
  • Jacuzzi
  • 1 Lounges/Bars
  • Poolbar
  • Zimmerservice
  • Live-Unterhaltung

Andere Einrichtungen

Take a dip in the main lagoon-style pool complete with a waterfall, a swim-up bar and dedicated shallow section for children. The second swimming pool, lined with loungers, is ideal for diving and water sports. Off from the pool you’ll find the Cabana room – the perfect spot to lounge with a cocktail. Relax in the secluded Jacuzzi or pamper yourself with an indulgent Swedish massage (available by appointment only). You can also soak up the Caribbean sun with a good book on hand-crafted cabanas and sunbeds down on Sandy Point Beach.

Keep active with the hotel’s mini fitness room or for a more relaxed workout, take a scenic walk along the road to the stunning Store Bay Beach.

Informationen zum Speiseangebot

Open for breakfast daily, enjoy a spread of continental and local breakfast buffet options at the Bayside Restaurant. From freshly made bakes to the chef’s signature omelettes, you’ll find something for everyone. Why not try the sada roti or coconut bake and buljol. Head to the Sunset Grill and Bar for specially prepared dishes, an a la carte menu and fruity Caribbean cocktails. This spot serves up daily light lunches and gourmet dinners. Enjoy fabulous entertainment at this eatery with the weekly themed ‘Bar-B-Que Night’. Savour the best of the Caribbean with great food, tunes and dancing.

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