
The nhow Rotterdam hotel is part of the sleek new De Rotterdam building situated on the Wilhelminapier in a prime waterfront location overlooking the river Maas an area known as Manhattan on the river Maas. Local attractions less than 3km away from the hotel include the Erasmus Bridge Museumpark Rotterdam Euromast and Market Binnenrottesquare. Our generously sized non-smoking rooms offer floor to ceiling windows and feature many modern amenities including free Wi-Fi with the Horizon suite having 2 Smart TVs in a separate living area. Larger rooms with premium views provide ample space for the extra bed and sitting area. An early bird breakfast and a breakfast buffet is prepared daily and made-to-order hot dishes are available upon request. The in-hotel kitchen serves a variety of International cuisine and opens for lunch and dinner every day. For guests who wish to have meals in their room we provide room service. The nhow Bar located on the 7th floor is perfect for a cocktail or a cup of tea. For the 11 meeting rooms the hotel offers individual audiovisual set up. Three of the meeting rooms are part of the Loft which allows events for up to 500 people in a stylish environment designed by Rem Koolhaas/OMA. Our hotel gym is free for hotel guests and provides water and towels.

-Feel Safe at NH- will be our hotels guarantee to implement health and safety protocols.

Here is a summary of the standards across all our hotels.

-Health inspection certificates.

-Personal safety equipment and protocols.

-Advanced digital services.

-Water purifying and air quality protocols.

-Upgraded cleaning and sanitizing protocols.

-City connection advisory service.

-Food and Beverages services tailored to the current situation.

-Health and Safety protocols for employees.

-Social distancing rules.

-Hotel Health and Safety manager.

For more information visit www.nh-hotels.com

Details zur Unterkunft


Wilhelminakade 137
3072 AP


Normaler Check-In: 15:00
Normaler Check-Out: 12:00


1.3 mi / 2.1 km vom Stadtzentrum

Allgemeine Einrichtungen

  • Wäscherei/Parkdienst
  • Wäscherei vor Ort
  • Nichtraucherzimmer (allgemein)
  • Garagenparkplätze
  • Café
  • Concierge-Schalter
  • Haustiere gestattet
  • Sicherheit
  • Parkplätze auf dem Grundstück
  • 24-Stunden-Rezeption
  • Nachtclub
  • Solarium
  • Executive-Stockwerk
  • 24-Stunden-Sicherheit
  • Geldwechsel
  • Restaurant
  • Geschenke-/Zeitungsstand
  • Parken
  • Lounges/Bars
  • Ärztlicher Dienst auf Abruf
  • Klimaanlage
  • Geldautomat
  • Safe
  • Aufzüge
  • Grills

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