Discover everything you need to know about our flight seating, from choosing your seat before boarding to exploring our seat maps. Plus, read about charges, refunds and any support you might need while travelling with us.
Choose your seat
Make sure you get the seat you want by choosing it in advance using our flight seating plans. Plus, find out if you have to pay or you’re able to choose a seat for free.
Seat maps
Get an idea of each plane’s seating layout for each travel class and aircraft type before you choose your seat.
Changes and refunds
All you need to know about changing your seat and when you can claim a refund for a seat you paid for.
Comfort aids and harnesses for children
Find out which devices are permitted to be used on board for children.
Seat supports
Check our list of approved seat support systems and the cabins they’re suitable in.
Travelling on partner airlines
If your flight number begins with anything other than ‘BA’ (e.g. AA123456X), you’re flying with one of our partners.
Please use the links below to find out about the seating options available with our partner airlines: