Cancel and refund your flights

Your details

All items marked with an asterisk * must be completed
You do not have the required authority to request a refund.We can only process refunds for passengers of a booking or the person who paid for the booking.

Please complete your details below:

Further security question:

Provide the name of one of the passengers in the booking
We may need to contact you for additional information if you are unable to provide a booking reference – which may delay the processing of your refund.

Terms and Conditions

- Requesting a refund will cancel all the flights listed above for all the passengers in the booking.
- We are unable to calculate your refund total prior to processing your claim. The refund amount will be based on our fare rules and the total refunded is final and non-negotiable. On submission of this form you are agreeing to the refund total that we calculate.
- This form can only be used to refund all qualifying flights in this booking. Partial refunds or refunds for selected passengers cannot be processed using this form.
British Airways takes the security of personal data very seriously, as explained in our Privacy Policy.
The personal data (including any sensitive personal as defined in the Data Protection Act) will be retained on our database for the purposes of ensuring we improve the service to you and your company. Your personal data will be used for us to communicate with you and contact you to address any comments you might have (using any means of communication for which you have provided contact details, which may include post, email, fax and telephone). As with any standard email, our response will be sent in non-encrypted format.